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Hi Eric,

In reviewing the scaned text tables in lectures 2. I notice jpeg format has been used to encode the scaned text. I believe GIF is much better. Here is why:

1) JPEG is great for photo-alike-picture since it can REALLY compress it down in file size; however there is a price to pay -- the picture loses detail as it compresses. That is the more you compress it, the more detail you gona lose. This is a irreversible process.

2) GIF, on the other hand, is a 100% reversible compression process. The picture do not lose detail during the process. The drawback, however, is it only supports 256 colors (jpeg support >16,000,000).

Therefore, to store photo-alike picture, I will use jpeg. Some detail in the photo will be lost but it is hard to notice. On the other hand, I will use GIF to store text as these picture usually contain fewer color. Losing detail in the text may render the image meaningless.

This is my 2 cents, hope its useful.


very useful - i thought of this, too...I sent a bunch of samples in to try various dpi scans with various compressions to see where we get the best results of file size and quality - and to try various viewing programs. Will try gif in a few and hopefully have all this worked out today. Thanks so much


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