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Hey MR

Any tips on how not to break sps pieces? I had 2 frags of purple digita that we're really starting to take off... That is until I stuck my hand in the tank to place new sps frags. Stupid me... I have some holes drilled into my rock work so I can place frag plugs but somehow they get knocked over by flow or members of my cuc. I know I can glue them in place, but I have been reluctant to do so because the tank is still young and I feel like I may want to make changes. Does anyone have any tips for keeping frags in place, and still being able to make changes later? I know the less I put my hands in the tank the less likely I am to break pieces. Damn I never thought coral was so fragile the slightest touch seems to cause a fracture.


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Staten Island
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If you clip the stems of the frag plug its on and just put a dab of glue you will be able to take them out later on.

also if you put a dab of glue on the stem of the plug and stick it in the hole you will be able to twist the plug out of the hole with the glue on it.

my girl does it with her frags she is able to move them as she wishes. Thats with all types of frags.


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I like to read up on where to place a certain SPS for optimal color and growth and just put them where others have had success. The less you move them the better they grow and color up. If you moving them a lot they get stressed out. Just glue them and forget them

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