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No Coral Here
Montclair, NJ
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I want to by a 230v and 20 amp (4600 watts?) air conditioner. It is 25,000 BTUs. This will be my fourth air conditioner in as many years as the lower BTU models seem to have to work too hard in my building. I was thinking of buying a step up transformer but talking to my super, he said the voltage is run to my circuit breaker and can be used to create a 230V outlet for the AC.


1- Is there a plug and play (no hard wiring) transformer that will cover the wattage necessary to run the AC?

2- If not, How do I go about finding someone to set up an outlet to run the AC? I have easy circuit breaker access in my kitchen and there is already an outlet dedicated to the AC.

I should also mention that I run the AC 24/7 during the summer.



Paul B

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There is no easy plug and play transformer to convert your 110 volt 20 amp outlet to a 220 volt outlet. You can get a transformer to do that but it would need to be wired to your panel and it would cost more than your air conditioner.
If you already have an outlet near by dedicated to an AC, it can easily be converted to 220 voltsa to power your new AC. I did one yesterday and have done maybe 200.
(I was an electrician for 40 years.)
You would need an electrician or someone very familiar with electrical work.
The circuit breaker would need to be changed as would the outlet.
If your existing AC outlet is not near your new AC, then you would need to run an entirely new line there.
I would do it but after working in NYC for all those years, I really never want to go there again.


No Coral Here
Montclair, NJ
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Thanks everyone. I will contact those mentioned. I guess all I have to do is find an electrician to rewire the AC outlet. That's not so bad. I'd pay a lot to get this bad a$$ AC going.

P.S. I don't blame you Paul! I look for any excuse to leave Manhattan LOL

Thanks for the help everyone.

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